These our so called celebrities and drama, how anyone can deny being pregnant remains something I cannot understand. I mean this is pregnancy we are talking about so how long can you hide it— of course you can if and only if you have plans of terminating it, otherwise no need playing the ” I am not pregnant” game.
So months after actress Vicky Zugah blamed her protruding stomach on over eating, her belly is finally not going to birth food but human with flesh and running blood.
The actress who is still not willing to open up has still not said anything about the man who has put her in a family way.
In an interview with “Zionfelix”, when she was asked about the father,all she could say was:“Zionfelix, gossip will kill you”.
If there is any consolation, she has on her finger an engagement ring and rumoured sometime back to be dating one BBA house mate from Sierra Leon, “The Chase”, Bolt real name Adrian Bolt Lewis— we will not mind thinking he is responsible for the miracle in her belly.