Boxing foes cum buddies Braimah Kamoko aka Bukom Banku and Ayittey Powers usually cannot decide which spectrum on the scale they wish to be on.
If latest events are any indication, enemies is where they’ll finally end up.
Bukom Banku is currently dealing with a huge case of assault involving a hairdresser who reportedly refused his advances and whom he subsequently assaulted.
In the midst of this personal struggle, Ayittey Powers has laid a serious accusation on Banku, claiming that he’s gay.
Speaking on Happy Fm, Powers said that Kamoko once propositioned him.
“He is a gay, he told me that I am nice, he loves me so I should get involved in homosexual act with him. I will reveal all his secrets in due time” Powers reportedly said.
But responding to the allegation, Banku said he was just joking with Powers.
“I told Powers that because I have beaten him twice in the ring, he is my wife, so he should come for me to kiss him, but Powers took it personally and started insulting me and my mum.
“I was joking about it when I told Ayittey Powers, I loved him,” Banku added.
Powers, in another section of the interview, said that Banku is a ‘mad person’.