The calm and hardly seen Vice President of Ghana-Dr. Papa Kwesi Amissah-Arthur has gone rogue–perhaps, just for the election season.
Papa Kwesi Amissah-Arthur has stated that the NDC is going to go boot for boot against the NPP during this year’s campaign–and that if the NPP throws one insult their way, they will send two back to them.
Speaking to electorates at the Central Region, the Vice President said the NDC has in the past tolerated insults from the opposition party but warned that will no longer happen.
He urged NDC faithfuls to arm themselves and serve the NPP a double dose of whatever insults they send their way.
This is particular interesting considering the fact that not long ago, President Mahama labelled the NPP as having achieved gold medals in insults–and the NDC as decent.

Wow. did this fanti man really said that?? smh