This here might be one of the best news that people especially men who spend large sums of money on perfumes, cologne and aftershaves just to smell good and attractive to the opposite sex will hear all year long.
According to a new research, men who eat large amounts of fruits and salads have the most attractive smell to women. They have been described by women to have an odour best described as being floral and fruity.
Eating more fruits and Vegetables has been found to help increase their appeal to women.
Findings from a research conducted by Dr Ian Stephen, a psychologist at Macquarie University in Sydney, and his team suggests a man’s body odour may help to also signal information about their health to women.
It went on further to say that those who ate large amounts of meat, egg and tofu also had quite a pleasant smell, but men who consumed a lot of foods rich in carbohydrates like bread and pasta had the least pleasant odour.
Writing in the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour, the researchers said: “Diets rich in fruit and vegetables are associated with better human health both now and also probably in our ancestral past.”
So the next time you decide to go buy and expensive perfume just so you could smell good, just make your way to the fruits and vegetables section of the shop and stock enough of them to keep you healthy and smell nice too.