6 Times "Angel" Daniel Obinim Has Made An Epic Headline: Do You Remember When He Chopped Down His Junior Pastor's Wife!

5. Obinim Confirmed How He Can Transform Into Any Animal
And he still walks freely about after uttering such maddening lines. Like really? You can change into any animal and you are still living amongst we the higher mammals when you should be caged with other animals of your choice. Did he say this to make people fear him or it was just one of the many empty talks.
I mean how can a man of God be this puerile— Bishop Daniel Obinim said he has supernatural powers which he can use to transform into any animal in the spiritual realm. Speaking on his own OBTV recently, he said I can transform into a snake and enter any room, bite my target and just disappear.
He claimed his father is Jesus Christ who can also turn into any animal. He however added that even though he is not an animal, he can spiritually transform into a snake or a dog and as such does not want anyone to dare him.
Hopefully I would be visited tonight.

This post was published on August 19, 2016 6:01 PM

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