If you are still with the belief that true love do not exist let alone it having barriers, then all you need to do is draw an inspiration from this couple’s love story. It is not everyday that we bump into love but allowing yourself to fall in love with 60 year old man, a man who is forty years older than you of course would generate some sparks.
20 year old Leah Senibaldi is head over heels in love with a 60 year old man who used to be in a music band with her father.
Leah and 60 year old appliance salesman Ress Benson have been dating for two years after they met at her father’s band practice 3 years ago. The couple are so in love that they don’t care about the disapproval from family, friends and even strangers as they are talking about tying the knot.
Leah from Nashville, Tennessee said when they met for the first time three years ago at her father’s band practice, the attraction was “instant’, She knew then and there that she had found her soulmate and their feelings for each other grew stronger, but they did not get romantically involved until 12 months after Leah confessed her feeling.
In an interview she said “We get a lot of stares, but we’re never offended, we play up to it and have a lot of fun by giving people something to stare at. Quite often if we know people are staring we will kiss to try and wind them up, it shocks them but we don’t care because we’re not doing anything wrong.”
Well we sincerely wish them well.