The #BringBackOurGirls social media campaign have died out but still a huge number of the missing Chibok girls remain in the hands of Nigerian terrorist group-Boko Haram–and the group has today released a new video, which showa the missing “Chibok Girls.”
In the video, the third since the girls went missing, some 50 girls are seen wearing headscarves behind a Boko Haram militant who places demands for the release of Boko Haram fighters in return for the girls.
The video also shows a militant interving one of the girls, who calls herself Maida Yakubu and says she is from Chibok.
The girl is asked by her interviewer to urge the government to release imprisoned Boko Haram militants.
“What I can say is that our parents should take heart,” she says in the Kabaku language. “Talk to the government so that we can be allowed to go home.”
The video at the end seeks to send fear, as a graphic footage of what appears to be the scene of a massacre, with bodies of men, women and children strewn across the ground are shown.
Over two years ago, Boko Haram reportedly kidnaped about 276 girls from their school in the northern town of Chibok and it is believed that 219 of these girls are still behind held by the terrorist group.
Check out the video below…