5. You Can’t Tell If He’s Interested
When a guy likes you, it’s obvious…as in no secret codes or hidden clues to uncover and no shadiness. If you have a suspicion that he’s not feeling it, it’s probably because he isn’t. He may want to hang out with you, he may want to hook up with you, but that is not the same as being with you. You are not insecure, don’t beat yourself to nothing, it really is not you but him. He won’t make it a mystery, he won’t try to confuse you—it is that simple!.
Inasmuch as I may want to confidently say any guy who exhibits such traits apparently is not interested in you, it is strictly subjective because we are varying humans with diverse approaches to life.
Now get yourself some chilled sobolo and relax, life is just not worth this struggle and hurdles when Akua Donkor will soon be our president.