The case of ‘Ekiki Me’ singer Wisa looks headed for the scrap heap sometime soon, as the hide and seek over its resolution continues unabated, this time involving the prosecutor himself.
The police and the judge have taken the better part of six months to put enough fear into Wisa to get him to appear in court, and on the day ‘BigFoot’ appears, the one supposed to prosecute him is nowhere to be found.
This back forth would continue will the day the case is thrown out, mark my words.
Wisa’s case was called in court today(Friday), but had to be adjourned after the prosecutor’s no-show. The singer is standing trial for gross indecent exposure, after he took out his ding dong and showed it to the world whilst performing during last year’s Decemba 2 Rememba concert.
The case has subsequently been postponed to September 21, 2016.

Useless God forsaken country.