President Obama became the first American sitting president to write an academic paper not long ago.
A paper titled “United States Health Care Reform: Progress to Date and Next Steps,” which listed “Barack Obama, JD” as author, was on July 11 published in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
Now, Obama has written a 1500 word essay on feminism in Glamour magazine, in which he reflects on the struggles American women have gone through in their fight for equality. He also used the essay to call on men to fight s*xism and help create an equal society.
Obama in his essay argued that, “when everybody is equal, we are all more free.” And said it’s important that he’s a feminist, especially to his daughters, “because now that’s what they expect of all men.”
He also wrote: “We need to keep changing the attitude that raises our girls to be demure and our boys to be assertive, that criticizes our daughters for speaking out and our sons for shedding a tear.”
The President also called for a change in attitude, saying, “We need to keep changing the attitude that permits the routine harassment of women, whether they’re walking down the street or daring to go online. We need to keep changing the attitude that teaches men to feel threatened by the presence and success of women.”