Donald Trump
Donald J. Trump has crazy things to say every day, if you’re willing to listen to them.
And the entire world seems willing to listen to it. More importantly, the US electorate seems to love listening to it.
In his latest outrageous public comment, the real estate tycoon has called his main opponent for the Presidency a devil, literally.
Speaking in Pennsylvania, the GOP’s Presidential nominee said that Hillary was ‘the devil’. Trump initially used the word in its metaphorical sense, but then in his crazy way went ahead to describe Clinton as a devil anyway.
“He made a deal with the devil.” Trump said of Bernie Sanders, Clinton’s Democratic primary rival who has since come around to endorse her.
“She’s the devil” he added.
Trump had earlier claimed that the election, the general election, was going to be stolen from him.
“I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged, I have to be honest”. Mr Trump, presumably looking into a crystal ball, said.
“I hope the Republicans are watching closely or it’s going to be taken away from us.”
Trump and Mrs Clinton would face off in the November general elections for the US Presidency, with Hillary having a consistent lead in the public opinion polls.
This post was published on August 2, 2016 2:48 PM
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