
Calling On All Truth Lovers & Readers—Help Secure & Protect the Truth By Guaranteeing Our INDEPENDENCE From Corporate & External Control


Launched in 2008, GhanaCelebrities.Com is an independent media outlet which takes pride in being able to say what’s true—-just as it should be said without worrying about corporate or advertisers control.
We’ve earned a reputation for being brutally honest and the must go source to hear things in their uncensored state.
Our founding Editor-Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri is perhaps the most disliked Ghanaian journalist on the web; all because he wouldn’t bend the truth and allow anyone or anything to dictate to his conscience what’s true.
As a small independent media outlet with about 12 paid contributors from UK, USA, Ghana and Nigeria, we are literally working like slaves for peanuts, simply because we are obsessed with ensuring that our readers receive accurate reportage, undiluted by the voice and control of the most powerful in society.
It doesn’t matter who is at the centre of a scandal, we will be blatant with the information and present the news from our corner, just as we see it—-unfettered by any external powers which mostly seek to cover bad dealings and protect diabolical acts out of self-interest.
Because of our obstinacy and zealotry when it comes serving the truth wherever we find ourselves, we’ve in the past ran into trouble with many of our advertisers—-who believe because they are supporting our work, they ought to be exempted from our truthful watch and reporting. You have to kiss the butts of some big and dirty corporate bodies by not reporting on their dirty dealings if you want them to advertise on your website. That’s not press freedom, so we don’t even ask these people for advertisement.
And it’s not even just them, they mostly demand that their cronies or friends ought not to be touched too, even if they are at fault or their dealings are harming the bigger society.
That’s not free press—-that’s not the freedom of speech we stand for and want to see become the cornerstone of contemporary journalism.
In 2015, one of our journalists was arrested and detained in Accra for going the extra mile to fetch out the truth for our readers—-the public figure we were investigating “arranged the unlawful arrest.”

From politicians to entertainers via religious leaders, it hurts their positions, businesses and egos to expose their dirty dealings and to report the bare truth. Yet, it’s our business, in fact, duty to throw light on their in dark dealings.
Things are deeply rotten in Africa and we’ve vowed to stay independent so we are not pulled into the mud of the rich and be bought to become stooges for the greed, powerful and corrupt leaders or influencers.
The truth is; the only reason why we’ve been able to stay independent, robust, unflinching and true to our core tenant of not bending the truth for whoever  so far is because we do not depend heavily on corporate sponsorships or advertisements—-and we do not really care about getting rich, rather to represent the rich voice of truth.
We’ve been threatened with countless lawsuits, all because we’ve gone the extra mile to serve our readers with the hidden truth a public figure is adamant on hiding.
We currently ran limited advertisements on our website but with the increasing cost of the day to day administration of the website, especially paying the daring and truth-seeking journalists/bloggers, we need those who appreciate our work to support us to remain firmly independent.
We’ve had offers from several big media houses to buy our outlet but since we cannot guarantee our own independence under any other umbrella, we’ve refused these offers.
If you love the truth, if you appreciate independent media outlets like us, brought to you by truth-seekers devoid of any external controls and influence, then support us by donating to keep us strong and far away from the influences of the same people and organisations we ought to watch in order to put them on their toes.
And don’t forget to share this…
We cover Entertainment, Politics, Sports, Religion, Lifestyle, Fashion and anything newsworthy—-especially areas capable of making society BETTER.
African needs independent voices like us—so please donate to secure our independence and protect the truth.
How to DONATE to Guarantee Our INDEPENDENCE From Corporate & External Control


MTN Mobile Money: 0543699415 (Name on account: Godwin Nii-Armah Okine)
Bank Deposit in Ghana: Acc no. 9040000654196 | Stanbic Bank Accra Mall Branch | Name: Godwin Nii-Armah Okine


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