A Ghanaian boy who was born with organs outside his abdomen, Ethan Suglo, has undergone successful corrective surgery in the United Kingdom.
The three year old was flown to the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, where doctors treated him for the defect, known as exomphalos.
He is expected to stay in the hospital, where he is with his father, Charles, for a few more weeks to recuperate before travelling back to Ghana.
Ethan’s condition came to the attention of two British doctors, David and Jacquie Williams last year whilst they were in Ghana, when they met his father who wanted them to look at his son’s ‘swollen tummy’.
They realised the defect, which cannot be treated here, and thus arranged to have Ethan flown to the UK for the surgery.
“I was amazed to see what has happened… each and every day we see much progress about his health.” Charles Suglo is reported to have said after the surgery.
“Ethan is happy, playing, chatting, eating, drinking, so life is back for him. It was a great relief. We cannot express the joy.”
Exomphalos occurs when a child’s abdomen does not develop fully in the womb.
During pregnancy the intestine develops inside the umbilical cord and then usually moves inside the abdomen after about 10 weeks.
In Exomphalos the intestines and sometimes other organs, such as the liver, remain inside the umbilical cord but outside the abdomen.
Check out the BBC link for a photo of Ethan pre-surgery.