Yvonne Nelson is naturally cunning and perhaps a narcissist too—there reason why she does not have any true friends.
We’ve seen her even cling on several industry people as friends, only for the friendship to suddenly break—always because Yvonne Nelson is indicted for being selfish or not being a good team player.
Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten about the Sandra Ankobiah, Yvonne Okoro and the rest…
Despite John Dumelo not being my favourite person, he did not deserve the infamous backstabbing by Yvonne Nelson, a person he considered as his best friend at the time.
Since then, John has said he is not a war with Yvonne Nelson but he wouldn’t ever become that close with the actress again. And the actress has also called John Dumelo many unpleasant names.
Yet, Yvonne Nelson has posted a photo of herself and John Dumelo almost kissing, with a message which indicates that they are back to where they left off, a break up which caused by her mischief or inability to value true friendship.
She wrote:”Even Politics couldn’t break us #bestfriend.” That sounds crafty and John better watch himself…
So John has not learnt any lesson right? Keep following this girl and you will see again
These two FAKE people deserve each other.
Hoh John.
Sorry but are you a F00L?
You crawled back into bed with this snake? I shy give you bro. Really I feel sorry for u paa
John you can forgive her but getting close to her again? Why are you that lonely or mentally ill? KAI!!
We are all here. When the house is on fire again, we will all see and smell the smoke. U wait and see, this will not last to see Christmas.
Herh John I didn’t know you were this stup!d to the extent of licking her face. Do you ever stand by any word that comes out of ur mouth? You were on Bola Ray’s show on Starr fm just 2 weeks ago saying you and Yvonne will never be the same again, now look at you reducing yourself to the level of a dog licking the face of his master. I am ashamed for you, your words and credibility have always been questioned but this is solid evidence.