Christians have been saying that the end of the world is near since their main man, Jesus Christ, said it himself circa 2,000 years ago (Matthew 16:28).
It didn’t come true when he said, it hasn’t come true since any of the charlatans after him have said it, but it doesn’t stop them from saying the same thing over and over again. At this point Christians have predicted the end of the world so many times it’s a wonder any of them has any credibility left.
The latest to make this doomsday prediction is an organisation known as the ‘End Time Prophecies’. Subtle. In a video uploaded to Youtube, they claim to know the exact date for the end of the world this time, 29 July 2016.
That incidentally turns out to be the birthdays of one of my best pals (Sorry, James.)
According to the video, on that day, a catastrophic polar flip would occur (the north pole would become the south and vice versa), heralding the second coming of Christ.
“On the day which Jesus returns, there will be a polar reversal.” The narrator ominously says.
“Revelations 6:12 says, ‘There was a violent earthquake, and the Sun became black like coarse black cloth, and the moon turned completely
“‘The stars fell down to the Earth, like ripe figs falling from the tree when a strong wind shakes it. Every mountain and island is moved from its place.
“The polar flip will make the stars race across the sky, and the vacuum createrd by the reeling of the Earth will pull the atmosphere along the ground, trying to catch up.
“The global earthquake will be so bad that every hill and mountain will crumble”
See, they have biblical evidence and everything.
Of course, it’s not going to happen. It’s one of the perverse fantasies of Christians, that this world, which is the only one we have, has to be destroyed so they can meet the heavenly father they’ve never meet but have spent their entire lives believing in. Some wait for Armageddon so much that they don’t enjoy this life, yet have the temerity to accuse non-believers of nihilism and hedonism.
Thankfully, we have survived all their doomsday prophecies, and we’ll continue to survive them till that time billions of years hence when our star would disintegrate and destroy all life on earth. Now that you can bank on, because it happens to stars all the time and we observe those.
Check out the kooky video below….