“Words can inspire and words can destroy. Choose yours well” – Robin Sharma. I have read and heard so many a time to keep quiet if I have nothing pleasant to say but of course not everyone would share in this “nonsense”. People would rather say whatever they deem appropriate and whether it hurts you or not that is the least of their headache. As Emmanuella of “this is not my real face “ fame would say it is a free world.
Words have tremendous impact in our lives. Humans are practically living Dictionaries. An utterance may take eternity to be forgotten. Words spoken has the propensity of living an infinite stigma on your life either positive or negative but certainly the typical Ghanaian do not know that or has deliberately decided to wear the “veil of ignorance” and not give a care to that.
Over the years, certain words or phrases joined the cliche club. When such words are uttered you know better than to ascribe even a negligible degree of seriousness to it—The thing is they do not “hold water”. I do not know about other countries but for my country Ghana, it is our birthmark.
The first on the list is actually relatable. I could swear most of us are victims and culprits.
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This post was published on July 10, 2016 5:59 PM
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