2. “ I Have Been Busy”
The word busy is relative that we all can attest to. I may be sitting idle and still tell you I am busy and the best part is you cannot even prove me wrong. However the way my people use the busy word is knife in the soul kind of pain trust me. This one is everywhere in our diverse lives but the very one that gets you dying with your remaining breadth is when the boyfriend or girlfriend or someone you are equally fond of says it to you. After days, weeks and worst months of they ignoring you, you pop the question in the bid to understand their untoward behaviour and they start with “you know the nature of my work, I have just been busy”. Well you have been busy and we understand but you were able to fix taking pictures when having fun ; updating your social media statuses ;changing your WhatsApp display picture and who knows what else in your busy life huh ? (we never bore).

Ghanaians are full of Excuses. They lie, deceive and are hypocrites. Yet they are the first to be in church
LOL so true, very right on point