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READ: Lydia Forson Writes On The Hypocritical And Judgmental ‘Surface Christian’

Actress Lydia Forson takes on the farce of the Ghanaian Christian in her latest scathing blog post.
The actress takes on the kind of Christianity we run in this country, which is just a bunch of people doing what they aren’t supposed to do (sinning), yet calling for the heads of others who in their minds have committed ‘greater sins’ – a never ending hypocritical and judgmental circle jerk.
In her post, Lydia Forson calls out these people for being ‘surface Christians’. According to her, they pick and choose which part of the bible to follow, and criticise others for what they perceive as their sins.
“So many of us are only surface Christians, all we know is what we’ve either been told or heard. We haven’t attempted to go on our own journey to be enlightened and have a connection with God.” The rotund actress wrote.
“We pick and choose which bible verses suit our agenda and strategically attempt to justify our stands.
“Maybe if Christians would focus more energy on being better people than continuously calling people out for being right or wrong, they wouldn’t feel under attack so much.” She added.
Check out her entire post below….
It’s Sunday again, and the perfect time for another reflective piece.
Judging by the comments I receive each time I write a piece aimed at exposing and questioning our religious nature, many assume I either hate God, or don’t believe he exists.
Which is sad because religion and not God has put so much fear in us that to question anything, or go against the status quo is pretty much “blasphemy.”
But why would God give us a brain, if we’re limited on how we use it?
Why can’t we ask questions and seek more knowledge and understanding about something that’s supposed to rule our entire existence?
And I only can talk about Christianity because it’s the faith I’m familiar with, even though I believe my observations extent to all other religions.
Maybe if Christians would focus more energy on being better people than continuously calling people out for being right or wrong, they wouldn’t feel under attack so much.
A lot has been on my mind lately but I’ve learnt to stay mute sometimes.
But here’s the thing, there’s nothing like a bigger or smaller sin. All sin is sin.
I see people making excuses like ” oh but this isn’t as bad as..” It is bad period!
I see people’s post sometimes and it’s filled with more hate than love and I start to wonder is this the Christian way? If it is then I’m sorry I want nothing to do with something that spreads more hate than love.
Half the people who have something to say haven’t stepped into a church in years, they haven’t picked up their bible or even attempted to listen to the word of God anywhere.
But suddenly are experts on what is right and wrong.
Every thing they say is based on what they perceive and not what they know.
So many of us are only surface Christians, all we know is what we’ve either been told or heard. We haven’t attempted to go on our own journey to be enlightened and have a connection with God.
We pick and choose which bible verses suit our agenda and strategically attempt to justify our stands.
But  for believers of Christ , if we were smart we would see that in all he did, his fundamental message was spreading Love.
Not who would go to hell, or who was more righteous, no, every act was a way to show us how to love and be loved.
And majority of the people he used to spread this message were the unlikely. Prostitutes,Tax collectors, Thieves, Fishermen etc. perhaps if we look deeper we will understand more.
Jesus did not come for the righteous, but for the unrighteous that they may be saved. Why would he come to save someone who didn’t need him?
We have closed our hearts and churches to those who matter most. Yet continue to cry that the world is losing its mind. Maybe it is us who have lost our way.
Anyway, I don’t deal with surface Christians or surface religious people. I don’t have the energy.
My relationship with God has been a long journey and each day I learn more and more that it really isn’t about what the world thinks of me, but what God does.
I can’t judge another person’s journey because I don’t know what God is using them for. I’d just rather concentrate on trying to be a better person and learning to spread love in my own little way.
FYI these are my thoughts, and mine entirely. Whether right or wrong they’re a part of my journey to becoming the person I’m supposed to be. So don’t come here attempting to take me to religious school, because I never announced I’d graduated.
Rant Over.

This post was published on July 3, 2016 4:29 PM

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