Certainly nothing lasts forever, even life diminishes with time before it finally ends. However it looks like the infamous dumsor has refused to allow nature to take its turn with it.
Until some months ago, the most dreaded hours in Ghana were 6:30 whether morning or evening because it was at that time that one is “likely” to have electricity after close to 48 hours tops and 24 hours least of no electricity. Even with that, it came with its own price.
The joy and anxiety that coupled the return of electricity was simply priceless. Irrespective of your age or status, the smile that curves on your face is just indescribable.
The many cacophonous noises that greeted us in town due to the indiscriminate use of generators was just a tip of the iceberg of the harms dumsor caused. Despite it causing a whole new business for others, it caused more harm than any good.
The casualties that were caused, lives that were lost, businesses rendered bankrupt and properties lost…
We all knew dumsor would return because it has been lurking in the dark, pulling its tongue just waiting to devour.
And today our worst nightmare has been confirmed. Dumsor is set sail to the shores of our homes once again.
A contingency analysis carried out by the Volta River Authority (VRA), indicates that except in September and October, the loss of 150 megawatts (MW) at Aboadze power enclave has had, and will have, a very adverse impact on supply reliability this year.
The contingency analysis was carried out to determine the impact of one of the most likely scenarios of losing one gas turbine and the associated steam generation at Aboadze due to either a fault or gas supply curtailment in any given month.
Currently, one unit of Takoradi International Company’s (TICO) thermal power plant is faulty, which has resulted in the loss of 150MW.
The result is the intermittent power cuts the country is experiencing. The contingency analysis by VRA explains the frequent blackouts experienced in several parts of the country.
The national capital, Accra, and the Ashanti Region appear worse hit by the frequent power crisis.
Deputy Minister of Power, John Jinapor yesterday revealed that Nigeria has not been able to supply crude oil to Ghana although government has paid for the commodity.
According to him, the situation has resulted in the erratic power supply witnessed in several parts of Ghana recently. Mr Jinapor revealed that the government is in search of alternatives to get reliable fuel for power plants in the country as parts of Accra, Kumasi and other big towns and cities experience intermittent blackouts.
Dumsor must end, I hope Yvonne Nelson and are ready for another demo…