“There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable”- Mark Twain.
The more forbidden something or someone is, the greater our tendencies to conquer it in whichever way possible. Of course our illusional friends would not share in this thought —why would anyone with an upright consciousness and unquestionable sanity see fire and still insist on putting their hands in it?.
The forbidden spells doom from afar, you know they would send you straight to the gallows of hell yet our insistent to acclimatize ourselves with such is what sends the chain of surprises in people’s lungs.
Have we all not heard that smoking marijuana is not healthy? And have we all not at a point in our lives wondered why people still does it anyway? There is something inexplicable about the forbidden that draws you to it, makes you the unwilling victim but fortunately the forbidden truly is honey and milk.
Someone said the older you get the more you realize the darker side is better than the light and I concur. The darker side in this context do not have a literal connotation to it. The darker side I mean being the deviant society loves to hate.
I was literally born into Christianity and my mother made sure she imbibed in me the core elements of Christianity, that I doff my hat for her. I could recite the 10 commandments even in slumber. I could count the number of Sundays I missed church– today I have strayed away from all that, the adverse effect you can call it.
My Saturday nights are spent in the clubs with riveting music and all sort of below par traits. This is the place where my soul finds itself. Soaked in insanity and syncing to the good tunes. Sundays are spent just like any other day. In my bid to deviate from conformity, I found peace in the forbidden.
Do you remember the friend your parents vehemently warned you to stay away from— the friend you never did stay away from because you never came to terms with your parents misconception that he was the was the bad? Well he was the forbidden and the more you were told to avoid him, the more they urged you on inadvertently.
Yes I know he is married but I want him anyways. He would leave me hurting forever but hey, bring it on.
I am not making sense–thinking aloud, I am fucked up, that I know for sure. But if you’ve ever fallen in love with someone you know you cannot have, then maybe you would understand my meaningless rants.