Father’s Day is catching fire but it’s no where near how popular and precious Mother’s Day is to many—and apart from the fact some of the top Ghanaian Celebrities do not even have an idea where their fathers are, the hovering fatherly irresponsibility like in the case of Yvonne Nelson must have caused many of these stars not to share photos of their fathers as I do for the mothers.
And perhaps, Pyper was right when she wrote:
It looks like fathers are inherently irresponsible yet they are all up in one’s face when children forget they have one. It is not the wish of any woman to want to get herself involved with such persons but life has a way of f**king us up.
There are still some better fathers out there, making paternity look desirable and even playing maternal roles. It is sad when you do not have the luxury of calling your father “your first love” because he certainly does not meet the criteria.
Whatever you do he would remain your father but I would not go about flaunting an irresponsible father’s picture on social media, neither will I use my limited airtime to call and ascribe to some hypocritical gestures and praises. It is like saying sorry when you are not even remorseful.
I share in Alexander Pope’s saying—praising the undeserved is a satire in disguise.
Anyway, we have put together photos of 5 Ghanaian Celebrities and their fathers—shared yesterday.
Flip to the next pages for the photos…