Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari responded to British Prime Minister David Cameron calling his country ‘fantastically corrupt’ by demanding the return of stolen Nigerian assets stashed in the United Kingdom by criminals.
British Premier David Cameron had generated outrage when he described Nigeria and Afghanistan as the home of corruption, with some asking for the Nigerian President to demand an apology when he took the podium to speak at the anti corruption forum.
But Buhari, who has drawn rave reviews for his fight against corruption in his country, said an apology was useless to him, as what he needed was something tangible.
“I am not going to demand any apology from anyone. What I am demanding is a return of assets.” he stated emphatically.
“I have already mentioned how Britain really led and how disgraceful one of the Nigerian executives was. He had to dress like a woman to leave Britain and leave behind him his bank account and fixed assets, which Britain is prepared to hand over to us. This is what I am asking for.
“What would I do with an apology? I need something tangible.” he continued.
However, when he was asked if his country was indeed ‘fantastically corrupt’, Buhari took a second or two to process the question before answering ‘Yes’.
The President, who too over from Goodluck Jonathan, has made cleaning up the corruption endemic in the country the centrepiece of his administration.