Read The Indecipherable Birthday Wish Of Hon Patrick Obahiagbon- The Nigerian Politician Always Using Big Words

Honourable Patrick Obahiagbon
Honourable Patrick Obahiagbon

Honourable Patrick Obahiagbon is perhaps the most famous lawmaker from Nigeria, known for using mega words that mere mortals like ourselves can barely understand.
The walking encyclopedia is celebrating a birthday Tuesday, April 12, and he took to Facebook to wish himself a happy birthday.
Being Obahiagbon, he strung together words in a way that probably makes sense in his world, but not for the rest of us.
The distinguished professor wrote…

I thank the inscrutable great Geometrician of the universe for allowing of the sun to announce a new day and thus making me a year older this natal day.
Who be me and who I be if not for Baba,the great Architect of the universe?
Baba, me your forever small “pickin”,stretch out my two hands to the East, from whence commeth the greater light and I say Gloria In Excelsis Deo and I say Deo Gratias and I say Deo Confidimus and I say Deo Optimo Maximo and I say Deus Caritas Est and I say Deus Lux Mea Est and I say Deus Spes Nostra…..Service,Humility,Love and Compassion shall be mine all my life Deo Volente….

Hopefully, you got what he meant, since we didn’t.  Read this old interview with Obahiagbon if you’re not too familiar with his work.

I thank the inscrutable great Geometrician of the universe for allowing of the sun to announce a new day and thus making…
Posted by Hon. Patrick Obahiagbon on Monday, 11 April 2016


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