Coach Avram Grant is set to be summoned before his bosses at the Ghana FA to explain a comment he made regarding Ghanaians after the Stars 3-1 win over Mozambique last Thursday.
Speaking to reporters after the game, the Israeli said, in response to a question about him not spending enough time in Ghana- that Ghana can go far, but only if Ghanaians focus on the football and not the bullsh*t.
He said: “An African team can achieve this target but it is a process, if you follow the process you do what is necessary to do and if this nation will concentrate on football not the bullsh*t, yes just the football because there is a lot of passion and enjoy working with people. We need to concentrate on the steps to reach higher and higher level”
The FA are set to query the coach after a cross section of Ghanaians, particularly the media, took offence to the statement.
There are widespread perceptions that the GFA are unable to control their coach, who spends almost all his time outside the country, despite contractual obligations to see to the development of football in Ghana. Despite claims of queries and the like, no public disciplinary measure has been taken against Grant, and his agent also seems very dismissive when speaking of his client’s actions.
Generally, I wouldn’t mind the language used, which quite likely is what most Ghanaians are flipping out over- and there are many instances in which Ghanaians definitely have to focus on a problem and leave the surrounding bull. The problem is in this instance, Grant is on the wrong side, as he is guilty of not taking his job seriously and he doesn’t seem to worry that there might be any consequences to that. If the FA cannot act the media and the rest of us, would just have to tolerate that attitude for as long as possible.