British actor-Ian McShane, star of Deadwood and Lovejoy who is set to make an appearance at the most popular-TV series-Game of Thrones has described the series as just made up of just tits and dragons, —and perhaps, nothing else.
According to the Telegraphy,
He is also about to appear in Game of Thrones. In his cavalier way the other day, he lit up the internet by letting slip that his character, a priest, brings back a popular character who was thought to have died in an earlier episode. “You say the slightest thing and the internet goes ape,” he says. “I was accused of giving the plot away, but I just think get a f—ing life. It’s only tits and dragons.
They asked me if I wanted to do Game of Thrones and I said, ‘Sure, I’ll be able to see my old pals Charlie Dance and Stephen Dillane’ and they said, ‘No, we’ve killed them off.’ I wasn’t sure whether I could commit, but then they said it would only be for one episode, so I said, ‘So that means I must die at the end of it. Great, I’m in.’ ” (And with that, he gives away another plot twist.)
From the above, it seems Ian McShane is talking about the return of Jon Snow and if indeed that is it—then he actually has given away a big plot. But then, he doesn’t seem to even care—he’s a big shot.