I always thought one of the reasons Christians give to explain why God is nearly impotent is that he should not be put to the test, therefore you cannot expect him to do something just to prove his powers.
Yet here is one of his staunchest representatives on earth ready to use God’s powers as a crutch. But then God did it for Elijah, so maybe Obinim is yet on that level.
The head pastor of the International Gods Way Ministries is surprised that people are calling him a magician and demonic after saying that; he can turn into snakes and commit murder and enter into banks to commit theft. Why should anyone be uncomfortable with either of these two insane propositions?
The condemnation has come from almost all quarters, and he cannot believe it that other Christian leaders, like Sam Korankye Ankrah, are calling him out.
So in the below audio clip, he challenges anyone who claims he is not of Christ, to meet him for a challenge for the question to be settled once and for all. I imagine the contest would go something like a football game.
And people wonder why Christianity is so unappealing, when you have buffoons like these commanding massive followings just because they call themselves ‘Men of God’.
Listen to Obinim, speaking on his station last weekend…