Christianity and Islam have had millennia to force their ideas on people through the sword, and that has led to both being the world’s largest religions now- but the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) is going to win our battle in the realm of ideas.
And the fruits of a growing movement can be seen with its gradual expansion worldwide- including right here in Ghana– and even gaining official recognition in some countries.
The FSM branch in New Zealand have appointed its first ‘Ministroni’- their version of a minister, who can officiate weddings. Karen Martyn received her certification in December, a few months after New Zealand granted the church the legal backing to hold weddings.
A delighted Martin told Stuff this is a huge milestone for church members, as in the past they had no way to hold an exclusively Pastafarian wedding.
“It’s great. It is really powerful for the church and the community. It gives us far more choices. Prior to that we only had a registrar or independent celebrants.” she told Stuff.
The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, whose adherents are known as Pastafarians; has sprung up in several countries across the world, as a counter point to the ridiculousness endemic in religious belief. Even though it was set up as a parody faith, it has grown into a bigger movement of secularists and free thinkers, and they continue to win several battles, utilising the free institutionalised breaks we give the religious,”
Church members believe that heaven is a beer volcano with a stripper factory, while hell is the same but the beer is stale and the strippers have s*xually transmitted diseases.
In lieu of church, members come “together in local churches and at events— with services devoted to socialising and eating pasta as well as drinking beer and discussing faith.”
FSM members express their faith by dressing like pirates and hoisting a colander on their heads- our own version of the hijab.
Told you I just have to tell you about our beliefs, then you’ll be running to join us.

Clowns …….