Pastor Mensa Otabil
Dr Mensa Otabil was on fire during his Valentine’s day sermon, going on a tirade against the West and the values they are adopting as time goes on.
As we mentioned yesterday, he encouraged the dangerous Ghanaian mentality to eschew science when it contradicts with our beliefs in one part of his sermon whilst talking about gays. But he had more words for those depraved countries in the world embracing equal rights for all.
According to the good pastor, when the white man came to our shores centuries ago, they called us uncivilised because we had no clothes on. Yet they are the ones becoming uncivilised now, with feminists fighting for the right to go topless in public, as men are allowed to do.
“They [Westerners] said we were not civilised because we were walking about naked. The men were naked, women were naked, and everybody is naked. You see, that’s barbaric. Your chief is a barbarian, the linguist is a barbarian, you are a barbarian… they gave us clothes to wear, we say thank you, now we are wearing clothes, then after we wore the clothes, they now say that: ‘No. They won’t wear clothes again.’ So, now, who is civilised and who is not civilised? Women are fighting for the right to go topless and they call that civilisation. May I suggest to you that is darkness,” the animated bishop said.
“Well some time ago you brought us clothes, and we were quiet and received it. This time, you bring us this kind of thing; we are not going to take it, especially the church in Africa. We are the light of the world. That’s what Jesus said. We are the light and we are not going to allow darkness to dictate to us and nobody should come and tell me: ‘Well you know this is civilisation, this is a roundabout turn, the thing has gone round, now it’s gone crazy”
I love how he was able to make this whole point, entirely without noticing the irony about the origins of Christianity in Africa. When they brought Christianity, hand in hand with slavery and colonialism, we gladly took it, and Dr Otabil is perpetuating that religion in his church. But he wants to rail against enlightenment values which are leading to equal protection for gays. Talk about being oblivious.
He went on to rail more, adding Caitlyn Jenner to his list of smackdowns.
“You go to the so-called Western world, a man can now go to hospital and do a surgery and become a woman and they’ve named that person – you don’t know whether it’s a man or woman – that person, the woman of the year. I say, are you people crazy? I mean is this civilisation? Now this person, who has become a woman, has children. They used to call him daddy …now is he daddy or mummy? And you call that civilisation?” he queried.
“When people get so civilised they think a man can marry a man. I don’t know by what logic, by what psychological discovery you have made. I can guarantee you, it doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t. You can convince yourself it makes sense, you can call it human rights, you can call it people’s rights, you can call it whatever rights, but it doesn’t make sense because when people separate from the light of God they enter into darkness and their knowledge is darkened. It’s a darkened knowledge.
“I tell you, church in Africa, the world needs us and we don’t have to bow and we don’t have to yield because we are the remaining light of this world because when I read about churches which are now ordaining gay bishops and gay this, I say: ‘Wow, where did we go?'”
Africa is the light of this world? I presume God did not get the memo to give his ‘light’ water and food and money and governments that aren’t corrupt. God forgot to give his ‘light’ smart people and smart leaders. God forgot to lead his ‘light’ away from wars, and steer them clear of exploitation by both the rich westerners and their own leaders. I guess God forgot to protect his ‘light’ from malaria and AIDS and freaking Ebola. If Africa is the ‘light’ that God is counting on then no wonder people are abandoning him in droves.
Except in Africa, of course- the world’s poorest continent.
This post was published on February 15, 2016 4:51 PM
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