It’s Mensa Otabil again…
As part of his sermon yesterday, he stated that the West have become uncivilized because they grant human rights to GAYS & LESBIANS—and also, women are fighting for a right to go topless.
This makes me wonder if Mensa Otabil knows the origin of Christianity, the fraudulent enterprise he and several others claiming to be friends of an invincible God or representatives of a supreme dictator on earth continue to enrich themselves from…
Of course, the West are uncivilized for recognizing that every individual has an equal right—irrespective of origin, sex, religion, sexual orientation and color.
So to Mensa Otabil and the religious minds like him, civilization is to refuse another person a human right, treat another person less as a human because they are or have chosen to be different—either a lesbian or gay, agnostic or atheist, Buddhist or Muslim.
It’s deeply appalling, and somewhat diabolical that such religious leaders are allowed to openly preach and champion bigotry—on the back of some ridiculously offensive twisted logic.
To Mensa Otabil and his bunch, civilization is to live by the words and standards of a bronze age book, the Bible—and let me point out some of these standards they deem civilized for you;
1. Women are inferior and less of human beings.
2. Prostitutes should be killed.
3. Gay and Homosexuals are abomination and deserve to be ‘stoned to death.’
4. A man should not even share the same bed with a woman who is on her period.
5. The only time divorce is allowed is when a partner dies—so even if a man abuses his wife, she ought to stay in the marriage.
6. The Israelis have a right to own slaves, let’s just pray they don’t come for us.
7. Wearing a cloth/fabric made up of cotton and polyester is a sin—and perhaps, you ought to be punished for that.
8. People with flat noses (and here it looks like we are talking about black people) are unworthy to come to the Lord.
I can go on and on—if this is his measure of civilization, then there’s no debate here. I understand why granting equal rights to every person would sit on the opposing side of his thoughts.
Ironically, Dr. Otabil fails to realize that the same West which he calls uncivilized brought the religion he is busily cashing in on. They “brought Christianity, hand in hand with slavery and colonialism, we gladly took it, and Dr Otabil is perpetuating that religion in his church. But he wants to rail against enlightenment values which are leading to equal protection for gays.”
Interestingly, Otabil said; “I tell you, church in Africa, the world needs us and we don’t have to bow and we don’t have to yield because we are the remaining light of this world because when I read about churches which are now ordaining gay bishops and gay this, I say: ‘Wow, where did we go?’”
And my enlightened friend-Gowdin Nii Armah Okine responded in an article on GhanaCelebrities.Com;
“Africa is the light of this world? I presume God did not get the memo to give his ‘light’ water and food and money and governments that aren’t corrupt. God forgot to give his ‘light’ smart people and smart leaders. God forgot to lead his ‘light’ away from wars, and steer them clear of exploitation by both the rich westerners and their own leaders. I guess God forgot to protect his ‘light’ from malaria and AIDS and freaking Ebola. If Africa is the ‘light’ that God is counting on then no wonder people are abandoning him in droves.
Except in Africa, of course- the world’s poorest continent.”
As the lawyer and freedom fighter-Mahatma Gandhi puts it; the test of civilization in any given country, is how that country treats its minorities.
So comparing Africa to the West; it’s only an acute mentally constipated religious bigot who would assert that, the methods and ways of the West amount to non-civilization while that of Africa is the epitome of civilization.
This is where I go for Geroge Carlin;
“When it comes to bullshit, big-time, major league bullshit, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion. No contest. No contest. Religion. Religion easily has the greatest bullshit story ever told. Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there’s an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day.
And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever ’til the end of time!
But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He’s all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can’t handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bullshit story. Holy Shit!”
So it’s understandable why benefiting leaders of this ‘cult of ignorance’ will fight so hard to keep it in its current shape with such insane rhetoric—just to keep their credulous followers paying and coming to them all the time.
As a facebook friend noted; Mark Zuckerbeg the facebook founder is an atheist, and his co-founder-Chris Hughes is also gay so if Mensa Otabil hates gays so much and deem them as uncivilized, he should delete his facebook account, and ask all his church members to do the same.
–Chris-Vincent Agyapong
Service to mankind n perception of morality are two different things all together Chris. Please respect his views as a Christian. He is a Christian n he’s going strictly according to biblical principles not any civilization in such a context!!! The fact that you use someone’s service doesn’t necessarily require you to accept his views on sexuality especially if the person is speaking from a religious background. Gays equally use the services of straight people in so many cases and vice versa even though they don’t also accept the sexuality of straight people. Issues of gays and all that have been in existence thousands of years ago but it has become more prevalent in this era. There’s history behind everything n if you believe in history, I am sure at least you would believe in the Bible if not all the contents. Imagine, we were all gays in this world, imagine how this place would look like in the next 10/15/25/30 years or even more. No more procreation and the consequences of this leaves much to be desired. Have you ever thought of that? Thanks!
So I should respect his bigoted views because he is following the Bible…right? If a Muslim preaches that Christians (infidels) should all be killed as the Quran teaches, we should respect those views and perhaps, even help him or her kill the infidels…right? Because, according to ‘Quran principles’, that’s what is right.
And if gay people house bigoted views about heterosexuals, I will equally condemn them.
And did Jesus give birth? If we all decide to be like Jesus Christ, how will this place be like in the next 30 years? Have you thought about that if that is your argument?
What about the many catholic priests and nuns; what if we all decide to be like that? Have they not been in existence for many years, when have you heard that everyone wants to be like them? Come on, sometimes, it’s good to just think a little further beyond your nose with your arguments.
Too much knowledge and civilization sometimes lead to destruction as we always tend to explore new things beyond the ordinary. We should tread cautiously on the issue of human rights. I wouldn’t be surprised if in the next 20/30/50 years some people will prefer marrying or engaging in a formal relationship with animals and they would expect that to be legalized as well all in the name of human right. I may have to send a whole article if i have to respond to all the issues you raised in your article and the interesting arguments as well. Religion is not supposed to preach hate or murder, however I believe religion reserves the right to condemn practices which it deems to be morally wrong. Besides,religious followers shouldn’t use this as a yardstick to kill people which is morally wrong as well and the Bible preaches against that. The issue of celibacy is a matter of choice and the Bible stated it categorically that if you feel you can’t then you could get married(man & woman).Since you have reservations about the Bible, I can’t explain anything from the Bible to you but the fact of the matter is that as human as we are, all of us cannot be celibate like Jesus as long as there are two sexes in this world and i do agree with you on that. We don’t hate gay people but we will not condone on your practice in the name of human right. What we should be more concerned is where we go from here (this world) after we die since our existence here is only temporary. It should be of paramount importance to all of us irrespective of our religious affiliations or whether we are atheists….I believe a serious research should be carried out on that. Is a point of no return (eternity) and that’s a fact. Many people have come to this world and now they’re no more. Certainly, we would also depart this world at the appropriate time. “Is appointed unto man to die once and after that judgement.” You don’t lose anything for being religious but certainly some people have used the name of religion to deceive lots of innocent people and perpetrated fraudulent activities in contradiction to the tenets of their own religion which leaves much to be desired and I believe any rational human being will condemn that.
Too much knowledge and civilization sometimes lead to destruction as we always tend to explore new things beyond the ordinary. We should tread cautiously on the issue of human rights. I wouldn’t be surprised if in the next 20/30/50 years some people will prefer marrying or engaging in a formal relationship with animals and they would expect that to be legalized as well all in the name of human right. I may have to send a whole article if i have to respond to all the issues you raised in your article and the interesting arguments as well. Religion is not supposed to preach hate or murder, however I believe religion reserves the right to condemn practices which it deems to be morally wrong. Besides,religious followers shouldn’t use this as a yardstick to kill people which is morally wrong as well and the Bible preaches against that. The issue of celibacy is a matter of choice and the Bible stated it categorically that if you feel you can’t then you could get married(man & woman).Since you have reservations about the Bible, I can’t explain anything from the Bible to you but the fact of the matter is that as human as we are, all of us cannot be celibate like Jesus as long as there are two sexes in this world and i do agree with you on that. Besides, most of these celibates do that because of religious reasons. We don’t hate gay people but we will not condone on their practice in the name of human right. What we should be more concerned is where we go from here (this world) after we die since our existence here is only temporary. It should be of paramount importance to all of us irrespective of our religious affiliations or whether we are atheists….I believe a serious research should be carried out on that. Is a point of no return (eternity) and that’s a fact. Many people have come to this world and now they’re no more. Certainly, we would also depart this world at the appropriate time. “Is appointed unto man to die once and after that judgement.” You don’t lose anything for being religious but certainly some people have used the name of religion to deceive lots of innocent people and perpetrated fraudulent activities in contradiction to the tenets of their own religion which leaves much to be desired and I believe any rational human being will condemn that.
The problem is not homosexuals the probleme is the people who think they have a god given right to tell everyone what to do. In the mean time no one can talk to this god of theirs and they can ignore wantonly any part of the word of their god. In the mean time any one who does not subscribe to their views is fair game for persecution.
Keep religion out of policy making it is a horrible example of what a healthy society should not be doing. Do we use Ananse stories to make policies? So why use Ananse stories from some other lands to make policies?
There is only one basic tenet we should all abide by, we are humans. That is all! Stop the brain washing of our kids with ancient doctrines, it is silly and destructive.
Think! If only you will think! You will see how ludicrous this whole religion thing is!
It is not right to spread false information’s just with the purpose of discrediting somebody. Can u provide us with an audio or video tape where Mensah Otabil said Prostitutes should be killed or Homosexual stoned to death or people are not allowed to sleep in the same bed with a lady who is in her period ? Can u provide just one tape ? Even just one ?
Listen Chris-Vincent Agyapong, respect yourself as a writer and do not make false stories and spread false rumours out of somebody’s sermons. The fact that u don’t believe in the Bible or in Christianity does not mean you should spread lies about those who preaches it. Even if u dont respect Mensah Otabil, at leat have respect for your own self. This is too low, by now u are no longer supposed to be at that stage.
Perhaps if you spend more time on education instead of hating gays, you would be able to comprehend this simple article. Where did I say that Otabil said Gays should be killed? Maybe you won’t even be able to comprehend this comment—all the best Mr John!
shame on you Chris! May God open your eyes to see beyond what you think you and should be accepted. it is so clear you are not a christian but that doesnt matter but you go too far to discredit the bible which as a learned person living in a free society should know is bad-peoples opinion count-tolerance. you can go ahead and disregard/ discredit the whole existence of God and the Bible as well as what is good and acceptable as against bad/evil and the world’s standards.. All the best on your homosexual crusade. no wonder you dont get a lost of people contributing or commenting on most of your post. boring!
make sure you post this
You know why your brain hurts so much from reading his piece? It’s called cognitive dissonance; that means your deeply held irrational beliefs is battling with your rational mind to stay rooted so this whole comment you’ve written is you saying nothing sensible but reminding yourself that you’re sheep.
Really ? Have you read your own article ? Oh let me just quote :
Prostitutes should be killed. Gay and Homosexuals are abomination and deserve to be stoned to death.
Is that part of your article ?
Well since defamation is what you call education , i can see you are very educated. Well done, you should open a school of “educated people like you”
Since you don’t do nuance let me help. Chris was just stating some of the forbidden things in the bible. In Leviticus for example. He was trying to show other things the bible condemns that you Christians don’t live by. I see why Ghanaian movies are so long. Ghanaians don’t do inference, deductions and nuanced thinking. You have to spell everything out or they miss it.
this article is full of fake info
There’s nothing more telling of the mental and moral corrosiveness of religion on the religious people than when you look at the things religion can make people hate compared to What they’re ok with. Otabil, a glorified thief who profits from the people’s perpetual refusal to open any book other than the Bible, is imploring his followers to apply common sense so they can hate gays even more. It’s poetic irony really; if any common sense at all would be applied to the lives of the masses he wouldn’t have a job. Africa remains in the dark ages despite being the most religious continent on the planet but guess which class of people profit from our stupidity? Yea fucking right it’s your religious leaders. If only you’d expend the same hatred towards corruption, injustice and anti-science as you have for two people falling in love we’d be 5 million years further into progress
chris i love ur articles. u are brilliant but i pray that God opens ur mind at the right time to see the light. In His own time he makes things beautiful. soon, u will be preaching on this same website defending the bible.
I think this is THE MOST brilliant article I have read on this site by far!
definitely was worth reading. Thank you!
Take a quote from their own bible – ” for the lack of knowledge my people perish”.
That’s what see with these bible thumping and confused people of the cesspool called Ghana. They are dying under ignorance, filth, lies and hubris. They read the bible and don’t understand its message. They claim they follow Christ, the person that said turn the other cheek, and yet hate dominates their very existence. Ghanaians are in general ignorant of the world and its progress. But for technology they will still be living in the dark ages. They are also in denial of the religion they claim to follow. After listening to them several times, I have concluded everything they say is perfunctory. Devoid of truth, rational and sense. Spewing nonsense and thinking it’s wisdom is the Ghanaian way. The world is leaving them behind. And the reason is their belligerent defence of their nonsense and ignorance.
It takes a certain level of effrontery to criticize the leader of the institution, using the book they wrote to enslave you. As they saying goes you cannot be more Catholic than the pope. But when it comes to Ghanaians you can be. You can even be more holier than Jesus.
That’s the nonsense that emanates from the liquified material that constitutes the Ghanaian brain. I have heard some pretty nonsensical stuff from them. And it was delivered with such conviction that had I not known better I would have believed them.
Don’t waste too much of your energy debating these fools. Your insights are like pearls to pigs. They don’t know it’s value. They proudly ignorant. That’s why charlatans like otabil and the rest thrive. Like the adage, in the land of the blind the no eye man can claim he can see and no one can challenge him.