Obinim must have realised the attention he’s getting with his extraordinary claim is massive, so decides to make even more crazier ones; either that or he’s actually deluded himself into thinking he has some special powers.
Bishop Daniel Obinim made waves last week when a video from his TV station started circulating, showing the ‘man of God’ claiming that he can transform into snakes and bite people to death– often accompanied by his buddy buddy, Jesus Christ.
Of course, any right thinking person hearing this would go ‘give me a break’, like UK High Commissioner to Ghana Jon Benjamin– but then again, this is Ghana we are talking about.
So in a new clip, the Bishop doubles down on his fantastical claims during a service, listing all the animals, and people, he can transform into. Apparently, this prophet has more spells up his sleeve than both Harry Potter and ‘He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named’ combined!
And his delirious, credulous, and gullible congregation where lapping that sh*t up like it was manna itself from heaven. At the end of his histrionics, they broke into ‘Ye Wo Krom’ for their prophet, who apparently thinks he is unique, since he’s the only one in Ghana who can transform into animals.
21st century Ghana, in the information age. We really are stupid.
Listen to the clip below..
From GhanaCelebrities.ComBishop Obinim’s Congregation Sings ‘Ye Wo Krom’ At Church for Him While He Brags About Being the Only Ghanaian Pastor With the Ability to Change to Any Animal He Wants
Posted by on Wednesday, 10 February 2016