Chris Brown and his baby mama Nia Guzman having a spat over their daughter is almost a guaranteed occurence at this point, as they seem to constantly be at loggerheads.
The pattern seems to be centred on Guzman claiming Brown put their daughter in harm’s way by a certain action, and the singer denying it and counter claiming that it’s just a ploy by Guzman to get more money.
Their latest spat follows this playbook to a tee.
In new legal docs, Guzman is claiming that the singer has given their daughter asthma, due to keeping her around when he or his friends smoke weed. She claims the child reeks of weed whenever she returns from a visit to Chris Brown, TMZ reports.
“Nia wants to restrict Chris’ visitation … asking the judge to force him to hire a full-time nanny or pull back on his right to be around the child.” The gossip site reports.
“She also wants the judge to force Chris to take random drug tests, prohibit him from using drugs or consuming alcohol around Royalty, and stop him from smoking around their daughter.
“And Nia wants more child support … she’s getting $2,500 a month but wants it upped to nearly $16k a month.” The site further adds.
In his response, which he posted on Instagram but then deleted, Brown claims the allegations are untrue, and are “obviously a play to get some sort of increased income.”
“I quit cigarettes on New Years. NO ONE smokes around my daughter.” He wrote in the now deleted Instagram post.