The problem with the like button has always been how you utilise it to express support, especially on a sad post. It seems kind of psychopathic to ‘like’ someone’s post announcing the death of their mom.
So Facebook have been working on a new range of emotional reactions to posts for their users, and it is finally being piloted around the world.
Mark Zuckerberg confirmed that ‘Reactions’ is being tested in Spain, Ireland, and a few other countries.
The new options under reactions would include “love”, “haha”, “wow”, “sad” and “angry”. The like button would still remain for those who want to go old school, and another button, ‘yay’, was scrapped, thank God.
As Zuckerberg noted, this is to bring more complexity to showing emotions on Facebook. “When you only have a like button, if you share a sad piece of content or something that makes you angry, people may not have the tool to react to it.” the CEO noted.
This post was published on January 29, 2016 12:13 PM
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