From BrutallyUncensored.Com
It’s an undisputed fact that culture and religion are relative—perhaps, except when you are an African, a race of people with this twisted notion of universalism when it comes to the important elements that make up a person’s identity.
It wouldn’t take a lot of deep thinking to establish as done in the below video posted by Theo Lawson that: religion, though a tool for hope and comfort is also the bulwark that curtails the progress of Africans.
All around the world, those making great progressive steps have a clever understanding of culture and religion and have carefully placed these two identity structures where they duly belong—of course, except Africans.
It’s reasonable for every group of people to have a distinct way of doing things, have a unique way of life and understanding of nature; that’s what cultural relativism simply means.
When it comes to religion, it’s human’s first attempt to understanding nature and spirituality—and to strike some sort of relationship with the supernatural. This, also ought to be relative; because of our unique experiences as human beings and the important role culture plays in shaping our thoughts in relation to nature and the supernatural.
Yet, while almost every race of people and continent promote, reserve and embrace the fact that culture and religion is at best relative, increasingly, Africans have settled on the misconception dust of inferiority, disguised in cultural and religious universalism.
That, our own cultural practices are savagely cruel, at best, weak—and our way of relating to nature or the super-natural is plainly wrong. For this reason, we can’t stop importing the culture of others onto our shores and we’ve absolutely ditched our own religion; way of worship or relating to God.
Indians are predominantly Hindus, Europeans are mainly Christians, the Chinese are largely Buddhists and the Arabs are mostly Muslims—because that’s how they understand and relate to God. That’s a clear example of the instrument of relativism.
But when it comes to the lost people-Africans, we mainly see and worship God through the lens of either the Europeans or the Arabs, ignoring the crucial fact that embedded in these methods are the forces of imperialism and cultural ‘colonisation’.
There’s a famous Ghanaian adage that “the same ship that brought the Bible also brought the 3 Gs; the gun, gunpowder and gin (alcohol).”
The most subtle way to continue ruling the resources, minds and identity of any group of people today is through religion—give them your God, your Messiah and teach them to be acquiescent to your ideas.
Na who be dis woman sef, na only she waka come?!
Posted by Theo Lawson on Wednesday, 27 January 2016
This article was first published on BrutallyUncensored.Com | Visit for MORE
This post was published on January 29, 2016 11:55 AM
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