Okyeame Kwame and his wife are celebrating their seventh wedding anniversary and the couple are making sure they are really celebrating each other.
His wife posted a glowing tribute to him on Instagram , and in an interview also celebrating her, he made it pretty clear that there were points where he has thought of giving up music, only for his wife to egg him on.
That would have been a disaster.
“My wife has been a solid backbone and my best friend.” He told YFm’s NYDJ.
“There are moments I decided to quit music but her advise and support kept me going.
“Life is war and so each day when I’m faced with the challenges, the mere fact that I can run home to my beautiful wife who will encourage me is good enough to keep me going.”
The rapper also talked about the problems in his marriage, which he admits like every other marriage, suffers from the occasional argument.
“We face the same problems every couple face; we quarrel, we argue over issues and all but the base line is knowing that all these are to bring out the best in everyone’s opinion of the issue under discourse” he concluded.

I pray for a good wife. staying for seven years is a big achievement. It doesnt happen often nowadays.