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Ghanaian Women Lead in Weed Smoking in the Country Says Narcotics Control Board

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Weed SmokingWeed Smoking
Ghanaians women are smoking more weed than the men, claims the Narcotics Control Board—and we think, that’s something interesting and unexpected.
Considering the traditional notion of the Ghanaian woman, associating weed smoking or any sort of smoking to her would have been the last on the sheet. But it has emerged that, they are not only smoking weed—they are doing it in large numbers, more than the men.
Perhaps, a lot of our women are high while on the move.
According to Adom FM:

Latest information available to Adom News indicates that women in the country are smoking marijuana popularly known as wee at an alarming rate.
The Narcotics Control Board (NACOB) who came up with the report said women are the number one culprits when it comes to the substance abuse. The latest report followed disclosure that Western region has been identified as the leading region leading the consumption rate of the substance despite the awareness that the drug is illegal.
Brong-Ahafo Regional Head of the NACOB, Felix Sarfo in an interview with Adom News said recent swoops at various slums have led to the arrest of some women, a trend he described as very worrying.

That’s shocking—right?

This post was published on January 17, 2016 10:05 AM