One of the biggest gripes anyone can have against organised religion, and this spans a variety of people including even religious people- is the grandiose wealth amassed by those in charge, often at the expense of the poor people who keep sinking their money in, hoping for a better life.
Even worse than these people, in my opinion, are the other ordinary people who decide to defend them when anyone raises questions about their extravagant lifestyles. Pastors living like rockstars, when Jesus specifically instructed taking care of the poor and needy above all else, and giving away your fortune if you want to follow his footsteps.
The other time we had a preacher desperately justifying wasting the churches’ money in a deposition, and we have a somewhat similar video here. Two preachers, Kenneth Copeland and Jesse Duplantis, attempt to justify why they need private jets to be able to keep up their good works. Apparently you cannot talk to God in commercial airplanes, and the demons would just be on there to distract you.
Their reasons would be pretty laughable, except a huge chunk of people would actually believe them.
Check out the video below…
These televangelists try to justify the use of their private jets purchased through member donations.Source: YouTube / jeffre2012 / #video
Posted by Answers Video on Monday, 4 January 2016