So people are heading to Church—just for the new year or something like that.
This must be a tradition because I don’t really get the significance of this considering the fact that many of these people have been boozing and doing all manner of things prohibited by their God through the holidays.
And now, it seems to be the time to go and thank God for making these things go unpunished, or request for guidance into a new year (which is logically a mere change of human calendar.)
Perhaps Christians forget so easily that their God is timeless—and therefore, He does not even know what the f**k a New Year is.
Even if He keeps a tab on a calendar, He surely will have a different calendar to what’s on earth here—unless I am to be told that He resides on earth, causing all the chaos from behind the veil.
But then again, New Year has no religious significance; it’s a calendar change so Christians should stop the event appropriation and also spare us the multiple Cross Over church services, intended to just make the church richer and richer—and the poor, poorer and poorer.
Now, where is my wine and glass? Happy New Year to all the free thinkers.
For those zealots of religious dogmatism; Satan and God are having a big New Year party in heaven—hatching more heinous plans as to how to make the world a more uninhabitable place in the New Year.
And they are completely drunk; so you can imagine the sort of nonsense they are talking about—including an argument about what’s the real dimension of Nicki Minaj’s butt.
-Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri
Chris you are damn funny. I couldn’t stop laughing. happy new year to you too
Mate you really are ignorant aren’t you. You claim to be this well educated, cultured guy but to quote Barney Stinson “get your head out of your ass”. You feel the need to bash religion something that gives hope (when administered properly as opposed to the African cows that sees it as a business). I pray God has mercy on you in 2016.
May you find a real job in 2016 that will enable you have less time to spread vitriolic words and get out of this coil of hatred you have for religion. Remember the devil finds work for the idle hands..
Happy New Year Son
Chris sometimes I have hated you. I don’t know if you remember but you blocked me on whatsapp and viber because I became too angry over the whole Kwaw Kesse marijuana issue. For such a Free Thinker and enlightened soul like you I’m still kind of disappointed when you obsess over weed and obsess over a man pulling his penis. I’m a free thinker like you who believes humans can achieve a lot when they allowed to live as freely as possible. If people wanna smoke weed let then smoke weed. If a man wanna f**k another man its no one business. .The threat to our generation is organized religion(Christianity and Islam). Let’s hope and pray Ghanaians wake up from their religious nonsense. You can unblock on whatsapp and we talk more. I apologize for being a douchebag in the past
Happy New Year Chris and have a good GC year next year
Even though new year has nothing to do with Christ you could be a bit more respectful to your confused Christian audience
What is disrespectful about what Chris said? Ghanaians don’t like to hear the truth
Girl, it’s called sarcasm, that’s why I said CONFUSED Christian audience