A few days to the 31st night watch night services that are so popular all over the country, and one pastor is speaking out against the increased commercialisation of the service.
Most people see 31st as a chance to beseech the Lord before the new year, and get a clean slate for all the terrible things they did within the year. For the pastor’s too, it is a chance to draw in a massive congregation who would not mind giving offertory two or three times throughout the service to show their appreciation.
No wonder 31st services have become a huge deal, and people go to great lengths to organise their services and vigorously advertise it. It used to be only cross over, but these days you can find ‘whichever word you want- over’
Rev Gabriel Ansah, President of Nasem University on Adom FM, made the point in an interview with the station. He said the service has become so popular with pastors because they know it is a time to reap harvests from their flock, describing it as ‘market day’.
“31st night is market day for Pastors because it increases offertory for pastors” he said.
He also added that the belief among Ghanaians that they can sin as much as they want and go for forgiveness on that night is a very erroneous one.
“You can’t wait till 31st (December) to play spiritual gymnastics; prayer does not bring about forgiveness of sins. God looks at a repentant and remorseful heart” he explained.
He added that those who think that way are ‘jokers’