Power couple only works when both parties wield some power, you know. This is more like an abusive relationship.
Businessman and former Asante Kotoko CEO Herbert Mensah has had it with the mother of his two kids, Dr Zanetor Rawlings. According to him, efforts to reach an amicable custody settlement with Dr Rawlings has gone unheeded, and he has no option but to resort to court.
Mensah has filed a writ at the Juvenile court in Accra, seeking to know the status of the two children- Zethe Maia Mensah and Rhia Lyza Mensah.
The writ states, in part- that:
“Take notice that this honourable court will be moved by Nene Amegatcher, Esq Counsel for and on behalf of the Applicant herein praying this Honourable Court for an order giving the Applicant herein reasonable access to Zeithe Maia Mensah and Rhia Lyza Mensah (The Children) in general and in particular for an order that:
– The children spend their holidays and weekends with the Applicant throughout the period of school holidays and weekends either in the Applicant’s home in Ghana or London;
– That the children’s biological mother, Dr Zanetor Agyeman Rawlings the respondent herein, furnish the Applicant with an update report on the children since they relocated to Ghana in January 2015 regarding their official residence, health, school and progress report.
Herbert Mensah explains his reasons for litigation in a post on Facebook, bemoaning the fact that it had to come to that- but noting that his numerous attempts to have the issue resolved amicably has been ignored by Dr Rawlings.
What do you do when you have been wronged and instead of seeking a legal route for settlement you choose dialogue and it…
Posted by Herbert Amponsah Mensah on Thursday, 26 November 2015
Eiiii women!!! You drink the guy ein money waa waa like fish.
Not only did you have one child but two with him (a married man ooo). If he was so bad why did you go for round 2 baby? Now you want to deny him access after spending his money like you won lotto. Shame on you Zanetor. You knew his lifestyle before jumping into bed with him so stop acting all righteous.
Hahahah @ the first paragraph “This is more like an abusive relationship.”
GC you guys are funny too much
She told a close friend she doesn’t want her daughters to accept Herbert’s lifestyle and his polygamous acts; meanwhile she had 2 children with him, a married man.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Now you dey fear for your own daughters. Siaaaa!!!
She is using the children as leverage to get attention from the man because she wants marriage. Meanwhile Hebert is already married so he won’t marry her.
she should stop taking advantage of innocent children for a man’s attention.
But hebert could have a traditional marriage with her if he loves her or wants her. There is no law in gh stopping him from doing traditional because there is no marriage certificate issued.
Clearly he is not interested in her just his children hence the suit.
SMH, wei nyinaa nso y3 as3m; same scale ppl. lol