While there is still a subtle on-going debate among certain Ghanaians in relation to our annual independence celebrations, the cost and the economic non-productiveness of this–Tanzania’s new President John Magufuli has cancelled his country’s Independence Day celebrations.
For the first time in 50 years, President John Magufuli won’t give the people of Tanzania the opportunity to gather for speeches, traditional dances, military parades and flypasts.
This is what almost all African countries including Ghana do each year as our Independence Day celebration.
Instead, President Magufuli wants Tanzanians to gather and clean markets, schools and and public spaces.
And just as Ghana, a lot of money goes into this annual celebrations which really adds nothing new to our economy—somewhat depressing when you even consider what a mess we’ve turned the country into since Independence.
According to President Magufuli spokesperson, the money which was meant for the annual celebration will be spent on combatting cholera, a chronic problem in many poor suburbs lacking proper sanitation in the country
President Magufuli took office about 3 weeks ago—and this cancellation is the latest on his agenda of cutting government cost and putting the country’s money where it’s important.
Our Ghanaian leaders need to look at this since Ghana @50 celebrations alone cost the nation US$60million.