As progress hits the human race and technology takes over more and more, everything is moving online- either you are in virtual reality, or things are becoming impersonal.
Very soon, we would probably have a kind of machine to wipe our a** after doing the business.
Breaking up with a spouse is one of the most difficult things anyone ever has to do, especially when one party is not exactly ready to. Often the means to do it baffles you just as much as the unpleasant message you have to deliver. Do you call them? Text? Do you need to inform them after dinner? Or perhaps after a hot round of for the last s*x?
A website known as the breakup shop would do this dirty job for you, for a fee of course. The seemingly funny but totally real service includes a text, a personalised letter, or a call- your choice. If you’re feeling generous, you can get your ex the breakup gift pack, which includes stuff like cookies, that eternal movie ‘The Notebook’, wine, and Call of Duty.
So if your ex is one of those scary tigers you would probably not want to go back to see again, get her a text, delivered by strangers she doesn’t know, because you’ve paid them to. That should show her!
Hahahaha ,den I will soon open a website for blow air kisses lol