In a gruesome murder-suicide story of love gone bad, a taxi driver in Accra has stabbed his girlfriend- a UPSA student- to death over allegations of cheating.
The sad incident occurred in the early hours of Thursday, with the student dying from the multiple stab wounds. The Taxi driver’s suicide attempt was unsuccessful, currently in hospital fighting for his life.
According to Starrfmonline, the pair have been dating for the past five years, with the taxi driver believed to have been catering for the girl, a Level 300 student.
However, he began to suspect her of cheating on him in recent times. He therefore cornered her and stabbed her several times in the head and chest, leading to her death.
The taxi driver attempted suicide after the act, but failed and is in a hospital in Madina. The police have already gotten involved in the case.
An eyewitness told the website the taxi driver was claiming he had spent all his money on taking care of her, and that she was now trying to dump him for someone else.
If he manages to pull through, the police would rightfully be in position to charge him for the murder. Spending your money on someone never means you own them.
Although, the girls always looking for someone to fleece out of their possessions also have to realise how unstable some people can be.