Piers Morgan is frank and brutal and that’s why we love him—he does not play with words when it comes to the truth: he just says it as it is without blinking.
Currently, NBA star-Lamar Odom and former husband of Khloe Kardashian is in critical condition after he was found unconscious at a brothel in Naveda. The Kardashians have been reported to have visited Lamar—with Khloe being the first to have made it to the hospital
Even Scott Disick who recently broke up with the elder’s Kardashian sister Kourtney is said to have ran to Lamar’s bedside. And Kris Jenner has also been there.
But popular journalist-Piers Morgan in an op-ed piece for MailOnline seems to say, the Kardashians are responsible for Odom’s tragedy.
According Piers, “Lamar Odom’s tragedy is that he just couldn’t keep up with the Kardashians.”
He wrote; When Lamar Odom met Khloe Kardashian in 2009, he was an outstandingly good basketball player. I know, because I used to watch him at the LA Lakers performing wondrous feats with his great friend Kobe Bryant, helping them win back-to-back NBA championships in 2009 and 2010.
He was focused, intense, combative and brilliant. The consummate professional.
Then he fell in love with a Kardashian and his life became public property.
Lamar and Khloe wed on TV in ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’ after a 30-day courtship. Even Lamar’s proposal, usually one of the most private, intimate moments of a couple’s life, was filmed on camera.
Within months, a new spin-off show was created: ‘Khloe & Lamar’.
At first, he loved every minute of his new found celebrity status, throwing himself into photo-shoots, premieres, interviews and parties with all the enthusiasm of Charlie Bucket entering Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory.
But then, after a while, he stopped loving it.
Filming was up to 18 hours a day, seven days a week, for months on end.
‘They want you to be at your wit’s end and tired,’ explained Khloe, ‘I think he (Lamar) thought we could send the cameras away whenever you want, but you can’t.’
No, you can’t. The tap of reality television, and I speak from some experience of this as a former contestant on Celebrity Apprentice, runs even faster when you’re desperate to turn it off.”
He continued: “It takes a very advanced degree of narcissism and the hide of a thousand rhinos to deal with that kind of scrutiny. Lamar, unlike the family he married into, was too sensitive, too vulnerable.”
Morgan ended his article with “The sad, tragic truth about Lamar Odom is that he couldn’t keep up with the Kardashians. And he should never have tried.”