This is so predictable, it’s like watching a bad movie over and over again and hoping at some point something in it each would change for the better.
Let me give you the plot. ‘Workers threaten strike, government assures them money would be paid, after some time money still isn’t paid and workers go on strike, then government says the money would be paid so please call off strike and go back to work’
Rinse and repeat.
It’s so pathetic that’s the kind of system we’re running. After nurse and midwives declared a strike on Monday, for unpaid arrears despite numerous assurances; government says the payment would be effected by the end of this month.
Labour Minister Haruna Iddrisu, speaking on Citi Fm, says some of the payments have been commenced. The rest would be completed before the end of this month, and thus was pleading with them to go back to work.
“I met with the nurses on Friday including the leadership of the psychiatric nurses and I gave them every assurance that 7,900 were being processed to be paid by end of this month.
“And indeed we could hazard paying them within a fortnight but the difficulty is that it will affect payment of salaries for all category of public sector workers in the country. But we can’t take such risk,” he said, whatever that means.
“I want to appeal to our nurses to get back to work and be assured, I have not reneged on my word,” he added.
It’s such a counter productive way of management.