Well, nobody likes a buzzkill at parties. So if you’re not going crazy, then you’re not doing it right.
Actress Juliet Ibrahim says she is a fun person, and thus loves going out to parties and the club.
The fair skinned actress revealed in an interview that going out is one thing she does often. She said she does it because she loves dancing and going crazy at such events; but that she has limits on what she does.
“I am a party animal, I love to have fun and enjoy myself, go crazy, but I have never gotten drunk before,” she told Ghanagisttv.
Somehow we doubt that.
“I would not mind going to the club or party every now and then, but I will not drink to the extent that I have to be helped to do things or vomit.”
“In all my fun having, I know my limit. Like just taking two or three glasses or whatever I am taking and I’m good to go.”