Sometimes we realise some battles are not worth fighting, you just cannot win. So the best option is to apologise, pass it off as a joke, and move on.
Nana Aba is not the first and would not be the last celebrity to try to put dust in the public’s eye, and then pull back when they’re humiliated for it. I just hope for once one of these celebrities would just admit the sh*t they tried to pull that blew up in their face.
Nana Aba Anamoah has been number one in the twitter sphere for a few days now, owing to her decision to shamelessly rip off a picture of someone in a stadium at Manchester and pass it off as hers.
Since then, the notoriously active twitter user has gone radio silent, as twitter had fun at her expense. As she correctly surmised, she was never going to win that battle.
Earlier this morning she came out to explain the entire thing. She claims it was just an innocent prank, and that she did not realise it would blow so out of proportion. She said she did not respond earlier because her father died two weeks ago and she was mourning him.
Yeah, right.
My intention was not to steal someone's picture as mine.
Absolutely not!
— n.a (@thenanaaba) October 1, 2015
Sorry to all who got offended by that joke.
— n.a (@thenanaaba) October 1, 2015
I have learnt my lessons. Some jokes are really expensive indeed
— n.a (@thenanaaba) October 1, 2015
Should I have explained earlier? Yes. But I was mourning the loss of my dad in London at the same time. He died 2 weeks ago
— n.a (@thenanaaba) October 1, 2015
Nana Aba nie! Lol, your buttocks is hot….next time, you will put the shut to the up…..
Stupid girl….why did you have to drag the dead into your shame. You didn’t have time to mourn him when you were stealing pictures abi? But now that your disgrace has come, you have remembered to mourn? nonsense. You have no shame girl using death to your advantage.
Please no insult at least she’s wise enough to apologize. This was only a joke so take your chill pill.
You think this half a$$ apology is sincere? If she wasn’t busted do you think she will be apologizing or using the dead as an excuse! I stand firmly by my description of her. She is stupid!!!
Lol she got busted hence the apology…. If she didn’t getbusted she would have neve come out… Nokrw3 di3 3y3 baako
Matured move.. at least mzbel has saved you with her stupidity.
STFU you are BUSTED it wasnt a JOKE