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Please, I Do Not Want To Go To Hell: How Do I Accomplish That?

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From BrutallyUncensored.Com

Recently I’ve somehow acquired a penchant for getting into arguments with religious people. I do it for a myriad of reasons; sometimes because they would not leave me alone, sometimes because I feel the obligation to attack the virus of faith and its attendant consequences every time I can.

But mostly, I do it because it’s fun.

If you’re someone who leads this kind of lifestyle in a very religious country, it’s inevitable that you’ll get promises of God’s judgement on you. So I have had to deal with being told, far too many times for my liking I should add; that a lake of eternal fire and brimstone is waiting for me.

Mostly I take it in good stride, because I do not believe in that kind of nonsense. I mean, won’t the devils get tired of torturing people? On and on and on, for eternity. I mean come on, get a life. And how would the logistics work out? And who goes into this hell? That’s the biggest problem which has led me to this piece.

Because you see, debating both Christians and Muslims and getting told by both that I’ll be going to hell has presented me with a unique conundrum. You see, which hell should I fear most? Would I go to Christian hell, and then when they’re done with me there they throw me to Muslim hell? How exactly is that supposed to work out?

Contemplating this very important question on the fate of my eternal soul got me thinking? So what if I debated a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Jain? Would they all condemn me to Hindu or Buddhist or Jain hell? (if they have one, that is?) What about the Jews?


This post was published on September 30, 2015 11:10 AM

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