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READERS’ MAIL: Yvonne Nelson Deserves the FAN ASSAULT | She is So Arrogant & RUDE to her Fans

Yvonne Nelson
Yvonne Nelson

Dear Chris,

I just read with excitement on your blog-GhanaCelebrities.Com that a fan nearly beat the hell out of actress Yvonne Nelson for disrespecting and failing to honour the simple fan courtesy of snapping a picture with him.

I am so glad someone has at least told this b*tch about her rude self and even had the opportunity to push that her big head.

I used to be a fan of Yvonne Nelson but have now unfollowed her on Instagram, twitter and facebook for fake social media love for fans which do not come into play in real life.

It’s embarrassing to talk about how rude this girl treated my friend and I but to make my point, I will let it out.

About a year ago, my friend visited from United States and even though I live not far from Yvonne Nelson’s YN shop, I have never gone there for anything. In fact, I never even thought she will be there so that is why I probably never bothered.

One afternoon, my friend said we should check out Yvonne Nelson’s boutique which I told her about while we were doing nothing, waiting for the night to fall so we can go out.

We went into the shop and Yvonne Nelson was there. We said Hello to her and she did not even bother to say Hello back or look our way. At that stage, I assumed she did not hear us as she was typing on her phone.

After looking through her stuff and my friend whispering to me that she wants to take a photo with her. I walked to Yvonne and said, my friend lives in USA and she really loves you. In fact, we all follow you on instagram and we would love to take a photo with you. We also love your boutique and the stuff in here.

She looked at us from head to toe and said; did you come here to buy or to take a photo? I am not here for photos so if you can’t buy anything just leave in peace. Can’t you see I am busy?

I was shocked and so was my friend. It must have taken us a micro second to zoom ourselves out of the door. We left and since then I’ve never been interested in all her social media postings.

When this same Yvonne Nelson comes online, she pretends as if her fans mean a lot to her but in real life, she is rude and does not care. So I am not shocked that she did that to a male fan who insulted her and pushed her head.

She has to change because a true celebrity adores her fans, both online and offline.

From: Cecilia Adoma N/Ghana


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12 thoughts on “READERS’ MAIL: Yvonne Nelson Deserves the FAN ASSAULT | She is So Arrogant & RUDE to her Fans”

  1. Nobody should be surprised at Yvonne’s attitude oo. Even her close friends like Sandra Ankobiah, WanLov, John Dumelo etc felt her rudeness live and colored that’s a why they walked out of her life. How much more mere fans from off the streets? She is not a nice person by nature so nobody can change that.

  2. Yvonne is losing it. Why does she think so big of herself. Now I understand why she has no friends. That’s bad of her to be doing this. Change girl because you are just another human being

  3. How can anyone blame YN for this? The blame should be on the animal who decided to turn a rejection into a physicall abuse. We dont know her reasons for refusing to hug this dude. Perhaps his BO was over the charts. Or he had serious case of halitosis. Either way he had no right to assault a woman.

    • I agree he had no right to assault her but there are many tactful ways to deal with fans even if that fan has BO or halitosis as you said. Yvonne is not the only celeb who has to deal with “strange” fans. Does Yvonne think she is better than the other celebs who handle the same situations ? Nonsense
      Look at the 2 ladies that went to her shop, soo unfortunate that Yvonne behaved that way towards them!!!

      • There is no ‘but’ in the case. Dealing tactfully or not is her perogative. She doesn’t have to behave like any other celebrity. He should have exercise some maturity and taken it like a man. Instead of being a pu**y whipped idiot. If she’s a nobody like he was screaming at her then what does it matter? You are an apologist for stupidity and crude behaviour. The world is full of snobs and people don’t assault them for that. Have some decency and shut the hell up. I guess in Africa men’s already pathetic egos are fragile. But in North America men are rejected everyday at clubs, campuses and work. They don’t go punching the women in the head. You Africans need to grow up, mature and stop living like we are still living in the jungle. Then again some of you are still living in the jungle and wiping your ass**s with leaves. Let that asshole try that with Kanye West or 50cent or the khardarsians and he’ll get his clock cleaned. He’s an idiot for seeking attention from a local champion like YN.

    • What happened to you today? did you go for check up or what? well this is the best and sensible comment you’ve ever made in here. I had to let your nasty insult go on that comment. Seriously change for the best. Will have to applaud you on this. smh

      • Que? What check up? What was in your cereal this morning? Alcohol, piss or turpentine? The best and sensible comment every? Obviously you haven’t been reading my postings or you just cannot read. Madam, I don’t need your applause for what I write or say. I write and say what I want and don’t give a ratass what you think. Change? Why? If you refused to give a stinky Nigerian a blow job after a night out with him and he decides to assault you, I will come to your defence as any decent human being should. You don’t need the bible or church to be decent. A refusal to put out doesn’t mean you should be physically assaulted.

  4. Yvonne is a bitter woman on heels. Always jumping from man to man becos of her daddy issues. Always crying about how men use her and how friends use her. She is a basket case and a mess deep down. That is what she radiates most of the time.

  5. This girl is rude and arrogant thats true I have also had a personal experience with her for personal reasons I would be brief . I happened to be in touch with her and also spent a whole day with her before. I once after saw this lady in the mall and waived she pretended like she never met me before and also once at the airport we were flying same day she did the same thing and I was like wow never again. Its interesting though cos hey am the type who doesn’t even going saying hi to these people just cos they are on tv when i don’t know them cos in the end I got my self respect too. hehehe

    • Well she can be rude but that lunatic didn’t had any right to assault her. Who know’s what that hug was all about? please save her the hate on this one.


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