Whilst there is currently an unending fire lit under most of these judges, they are legal practitioners and you can be sure they’ll fight tooth and nail using the same system they so flagrantly disgraced with their actions.
Hence this action, which is set to stop the airing of the expose. The 22 judges and magistrates, who have gotten an exclusive sneak peek of the video as the judicial council initiates moves against them, are seeking an injunction to stop Anas from airing the video.
The video, over three hours long, is set to air to the public on the 22nd of September, and the judges are seeking an order to stop Anas going ahead with the premiere.
And what a premiere it would be, as no case in recent memory has so captured the public’s imagination quite as this one.
GraphicOnline reports the judges spent hours searching for a lawyer to represent them to file the motion at the high Court.