Kubolor, who has over and over again proven his level of consciousness, went on another anti-God anti-Christian rant during an interview.
The Fokn Bois star said God is unsure of himself, and called the Bible an old newspaper.
As we reported earlier, together with Azizaa the pair are trying to demystify a lot of the preconceptions Ghanaians have concerning religion. The duo called Christianity a colonial concept still being used to enslave us.
He echoed those sentiments in this interview as well.
Starrfmonline reports…
“Wanlov Da Kubolor of the FOKN BOIS fame has in his latest blasphemous rants described God as a man who is uncertain of what he does.
According to him, even though God pretends to know everything, he made a mistake in the biblical episode involving Noah and the Ark.
“God is not sure of certain things he does. He is not all knowing and He is not sure that He doesn’t know the things he doesn’t know,” Kubolor stated on Accra-based Radio XYZ Friday.
The FOKN BOIS who were in the studios of the Osu-based station also said Christianity must be banned since it is part of a grand agenda by the West to enslave Africans. They believe Christianity is to be blamed for the many challenges confronting Ghana.
“The Bible is an old newspaper,” they said. They are also calling for lava or fire to burnout the “rot” in Ghana.
The duo are notorious for their blasphemous and often sensitive rants.”
Now I will read and study my bible more. Seeing a nincompoop is insulting the bible. Who in their sane mind goes on national TV to expose their penis? Kubulor means a vagabond, this Romanian mullato who sodomised a boy in his house should go back to Romania. The bible clearly speaks against the things he does so why is this even a report on this site?
This Romaine guy is nothing to write home about ,we don’t have to listen to unimportant people like him.